A business owner or marketer who’s just starting off in the field of online digital marketing can find the entire process a bit overwhelming. With the amount of information, you need to know, as well as constantly trying to establish your brand and your message along the way, juggling all the information you need to know can turn your initial marketing foundation into something of a disorganized mess.
Luckily, not all bad things that happen are bad for your overall progression. One of the most important things you need to do as digital marketing is to build those digital marketing calluses. Don’t be afraid to try and fail when it comes to testing new ways to reach out to your audience. There are a lot of tips and tricks you can bring under your belt when you’re starting out, and these things are designed specifically to help you build up a confident demeanor, and a reliable audience that wants to follow your brand.
- How tough the journey of digital marketing can be. It can be frustrating and intimidated when you get into investing and putting yourself out there. However, it can also be extremely rewarding, and when done right, can give you the exact results that’ll solidify your digital marketing foundation. Everyone feels the same way that you do, and it’s something you should take solace in!
- The ins and outs of having an email list, and how often you should be in contact with them. People often think that, if you’re getting losing subscribers to your list, that you’re doing something wrong. This isn’t true in the slightest—in fact, you should be losing subscribers every time you contact your email list. And, honestly? It’s okay! You don’t need to worry when people fall off the wagon. Most of the time, their reasons for leaving your list aren’t anything related to hatred towards your brand. They could be moving in a different direction with their lives that doesn’t include you. Don’t take it personally, and don’t be afraid to let it happen.
- With a call back to my best selling book, The CLICK Technique, it’s important to remember that one of the best things you can do for your digital marketing career is email your list once a week. If you’re not being consistent, you’re not reaching your audience in the way that you should be. In order to nurture your email list, you need to be in contact with them on a regular schedule.
- Something you should integrate into your everyday marketing routine, which is expressing gratitude. Be thankful for the people who opened your email, and the people that showed up to your Facebook Live. Showing gratitude and focusing on all of the good things that are happening (as opposed to the bad things) will definitely help you build those digital marketing calluses.
- Be gentle with yourself! Everyone experiences what you’re going through, and there’s no reason to be harsh on yourself if things don’t go the way you planned the first time around. You have to be kind to yourself, and taking a step back to reconfigure what you want your message to be, and how you want to approach the end game of your results is completely valid, and sometimes necessary.
- Lastly, it’s important that you take action whenever you can. Action has a great way of breeding self-confidence. Becoming more confident in your message and what you’re doing allows you to help more people. Even on those days where you don’t feel like getting up to do anything, even though you know you should, the motivation to stay consistent should coerce you into doing it. The action is the only way to build these digital marketing calluses!
Did I not get to answer a burning question on your mind? No problem! You can always reach out to me through email, or through any of the social media listed above. Remember, the Live Showcase Method is live, and spots fill up quickly! Make sure you’re checking in to get your name on the list if you want to build up your Facebook Live experience.
Produced by Jeremiah Isley
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