Marketing works in a variety of different ways, and different people have to follow different paths in order to find what their unique success looks life. For example. Someone who’s self-employed and works as their own supervisor follows a different rule set—and has a different skill set—than someone else. And that’s what we’re here to focus on today—what exactly can a business coach do to improve the marketing of small businesses?
Power of Content Marketing Strategy:
Michael Greenberg of Call For Content has all the answers. Michael does content and authority marketing for independent consultants, and today, he shares with us all his tips about how to land high ticket items, as well as how he combines the power of LinkedIn and Facebook to get people’s attention and create rapidly interested audiences. Let’s get started!
- Who Michael Greenberg is, and what exactly he does. A coach and marketing expert, Michael helps other people gain their edge and works with generating high ticket items. Michael also tells us the differences between inbound marketing, content marketing, and authority marketing, saying that they all lean into each other, but exist as their own operations.
- Michael explains to us who his ideal client would be, stating that independent business owners who are operating expertise driven businesses—a service business in which the founder of a small team of employees has a core expertise that is the main offering—tends to be his calling card. Michael also explains that when hiring a coach, you must be able to differentiate from other people who can do the same thing as you, stating the importance of educating the small market on what you can do for them.
- Michael goes through the different stages of the funnel for us, stating that the kind of content created for the marketing he does focuses mostly on the middle and the bottom of the funnel. His job doesn’t exactly entail him creating massive audiences for people—getting 1,000 or 2,000 people on an e-mail list is more than enough. And, sometimes, 100 – 200 will get the job done, so long as it’s the right 100 – 200 people.
- Because of this, Michael explains the benefits of working with small audiences, claiming that the people tend to relate to each other more, giving Michael and his client the chance to create content with the audience. Through this, almost all the content created is about bringing in their problems and conversations, getting them involved and also guaranteeing that this content with quickly circulating around the small, targeted audience.
- Through this, Michael tells us how he uses LinkedIn for connections. After creating content, Michael reaches out to his target range on LinkedIn, which will usually consist of 2,000 to 3,000 people. From there, he finds a demographic that works but interviews the client’s best customers, and uses a technique he calls “the blending stick” in order to take the direct profile of an ideal customer, and smudge the edges just a little bit. However, it is noted that Michael doesn’t friend these people in LinkedIn—after finding the main audience, he whittles it down to the best 100 – 200 that are the ideal customer, and those people are invited to create content with the client.
- Michael also talks to us about how he uses Facebook to do the same thing, stating that Facebook works better for selling to business owners than LinkedIn does. Michael also talks about how finding this matched audience can lead to a successful cold outreach, stating that people aren’t usually mad when you ask them how much they know about their own industry. He calls that a “lukewarm” outreach and the response rates of 30 – 40% speak for themselves!
- Michael leaves us with important tips about the content, explaining that he follows two constant tracks. First, the content has to be educational, and second, the content must be based it on real information. If you drown the content in facts and education, you’re giving your audience what the expert involves beliefs to be true. In their eyes, you’re giving them the information they’ll think is valuable
Did Michael not have time to answer a burning question you’ve got on your mind? No problem! His social media is listed below, as well as his website, giving you plenty of places to reach out. Michael is a super knowledgeable guy, with a lot of really creative ways to go about getting the quality leads and the targeted audience you’ve been looking for. He’s taught us so much in this interview alone, and we can only hope you come out of this saying the very same!
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