With the various ways you can conquer the world of online marketing, you have to remember the most important thing—consistency. We need to make sure the content we’re producing and sending out into the technological world is reaching the audience we’re intending on a basis that’s constant, keeping us fresh in their minds and in their inboxes.
That’s where Julie Kratz comes in. Julie works at Pivot Point—a company that helps develops leaders, coach women to build career game plans, and promotes gender equality across the board—and there, Julie says she’s nailed down online marketing consistency by getting tons of clients a reliable stream of traffic and leads to her business. Let’s get started to find out how!
- Who Julie Kratz is, and what exactly she does with Pivot Point. A speaking and business coach, she hosts her own business that’s focused on helping other people become leaders in the workplace, and in the business world, as well as helps promote and enable women progressing into this field by making sure they’ve got the tools they need to succeed.
- Julie briefly talks to me about her work with gender equality, stating that she’s been a feminist for as long as she can remember. Her new line of business is based on how to engage in the gender equality situation, and how to make sure it’s an inclusive conversation, too. We talk about male allies, and how important it is to include them overall.
- Julie then shifts gears, talking to us about how the consistency with her branding has kept her clients that last for years! By making sure that she’s honing in on hashtags, key messages, and filtering the content to align with developing leaders promoting equality with women and helping them have tools to advance their career, she’s consistently driving traffic to the site through social media, her podcast, & e-mail campaigns.
- Julie talks with us about her content, stating that her blog posts are biweekly on the same day, every other week. That’s new content going directly to everyone on her e-mail list as often as she can send it out, and that is why consistency is the key! She also tells us about the other forms of advertising she uses, including videos of online workshops she can share to the company’s YouTube page, as well as meme making! (Yes, you read that right!) Having a pot of content that you can be sharing on a consistent basis is really important, and Julie encourages us to think about what you know, instead of what you don’t, and plan around that
- Lastly, Julie goes over what exactly is involved in a day at her free online workshops! Hosted every other month, Julie states that through advertisement, they can get up to 50 signups per workshop, with half of those being people who are new to the company! She also shares the recipe of how they work extremely well, stating that building an activity is key. That way, people are held accountable to listen and participate, instead of tuning in and tuning out.
Got a burning question for Julie that she didn’t talk about? No problem! You can contact her through her website, or through any of the social media links listed above. Julie is really ahead of the curve, and her promise and dedication to consistency when it comes to online marketing, as well as her pride in making sure that women have a say and are included in the business world, makes her a truly unique leader. Hopefully, she’s inspired you to become the very same!
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