Hi everybody! I’m really excited to bring you the latest podcast where I chatted with Johnathan Dane. Johnathan is a pay-per-click expert as well as a conversion expert, so you know he’s got a lot of useful information to share and I just can’t wait to share it all with you!
A little about Johnathan to get us started. He’s the founder and CEO of Klient Boost, which is a company that helps businesses make money through intelligent PPC (pay per click) marketing, as well as creative landing page design and testing, too! He’s passionate about AdWords and conversion rates. He’s done countless interviews with Google, Webinar by Kissametrics, and Podcast by Unbounds.
The information that Johnathan provides is certainly interesting and you’ll definitely want to grab your pen and paper to take notes!
- What is AdWords?
- The difference between SEO and Pay Per Click Marketing.
- What method of advertising works best and where you should invest your money.
- Which method of advertising translates into more conversions.
- Where the PPC adverts are located when you conduct a Google Search.
- What percentage of organic SEO links get traffic when compared to PPC links.
- Why you need to focus on generating sales as much as generating traffic and leads.
- How high-quality scores translate into lower cost per click rates.
- Why you should focus on the bigger picture rather than just getting traffic quickly.
- Some common misconceptions surrounding AdWords.
- Why cost per conversion matters more than any other metrics.
- Why you should focus on what keywords you use.
- Why you might want to consider using PPC over other methods of advertising.
- How you should optimize your PPC campaign, regardless of how much you are spending.
- How “Keyword” and “search term” differ from one another.
- Where your traffic should be sent when they are clicking on your ads.
- Why you need to be direct with your consumers by directing them what to do after clicking an ad.
- Why free consultations aren’t the best option for service based agencies when PPC adverting.
- Why you should split things up into two landing pages to get higher conversion rates.
- How consumers get skittish when you don’t provide instant answers to their questions.
- How getting people comfortable will translate into them completing your forms for conversion.
- Understand how to get consumers to give their information and break that anonymity.
- How a proactive chat greeter and lead to conversions.
- How to use a proactive chat greeter to establish trust with the consumer.
- Why you may want to make your campaigns more geographically friendly, the more converts.
- Is it possible to do PPC on your own, or should you use a company?
- Klient Boost
- AdWords Campaigns by Johnathan
- Webinar by Kisametrics
- The Iceberg Effect
- Multi-step landing pages
- Landing Page Platform
- Dynamic Text Replacement
- Unbounce Call to Action Conference in Vancouver
Who would have ever thought that these conversion tricks actually work?! All I can say is that this conversation was definitely an eye opener, don’t you think?
That’s all for today folks. Until next time, this is One-Click Lindsey!
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